How I Use Instagram to Improve My Wellbeing

Phil Hurst
5 min readAug 21, 2020
Dandelion seed head. Author’s image.

It’s difficult to find a positive story about social media when talking about productivity or wellbeing. It’s understandable given how almost every platform seems to create and attract any number of negative people who only exist to tear down anything anyone else creates. Putting yourself out on social media, whether it is to promote yourself, your work or your business, it fraught with dangers and conflict. Over the last few weeks though, I’ve found a way to use social media (and specifically, Instagram) to help me reconnect with the world around me and really help me ground myself in the moment.

My social media mistakes

I’m not new to social media. I got my first Myspace (remember that) account around 2005, and joined Facebook in 2006. Various other platforms have followed and I’ve had an account with most of them. Each time I started up an account I remember that vague feeling of excitement that I was trying something new even if, as most people will know, the experience usually turns out all to familiar.

If you were able to go back through my posts you would find me guilty of almost all the sins of social media. I’ve boasted about mundane accomplishments, posted that cryptic, pitiful message that exists only to get people to talk to me and added my unwanted opinion to the big news story of the day…



Phil Hurst

Storyteller. Specifically sci-fi, history, crime. Occasional advice giver. Find out more: